Commercial Lawn Mower Maintenance Tips - MowMore

Finally! Spring has sprung. There is something special about the earthy smell of the first spring rain and fresh cut grass. So here are a few quick tips that will help you give your customer's that perfect first cut. It doesn't matter whether you have Scag, Exmark, Toro, Walker, John Deere or other commercial lawn mowers; the following quick tips will get you off to a fast start:

  • Make sure to start each season with sharp (preferably new) commercial mower blades to insure a nice clean cut
  • Sharpen your blades after every 15-20 hours of mowing
  • Now is the time to think about buying a blade grinder, do your own sharpening and save some money in the process
  • Buy a spare set of commercial lawn mower blades so that you always have a sharp set ready to go
  • Always use a blade balancer to check for proper balance and straightness
  • Once you start cutting, alternate your lawn mowing pattern and when possible, return the clippings right back to the lawn has high quality aftermarket parts for all your lawnmower maintenance needs, including:

If you have questions or need assistance in choosing the right blade for your mower, just give us a call at 1-800-866-9667


Lawnmower maintenanceMaintenance tipsParts ordering

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