Get Maximum Efficiency with Mowmore's Basic Tips and Rules of "Green" Thumb for Oil Filter and Lawn Mower Maintenance - MowMore


Daily Maintenance

It's important to keep your lawn mower running smoothly for optimal efficiency. For daily maintenance, simply scrape and spray the underside of the mower with a hose to remove any debris that may be hindering its performance. Remember to grease as needed and check those tires for proper inflation levels.


Weekly Maintenance

For weekly maintenance, change the oil and oil filter every 100 hours of use or if your equipment is frequently used each week. If the mower often tackles rough terrain, regularly sharpen the blades and check for any signs of wear and tear.


Monthly Maintenance

Monthly maintenance is equally critical. Replace the spark plugs every 100 hours of use and change any air filters every 50 hours or as required by your equipment. And don't forget to replace the fuel filter if your mower has one.


How often do you change the air filter in your ride-on mower?

If your engine has over 18 horsepower, you can mow for 250 hours before replacing the filter. However, we recommend cleaning it every 100 hours for the best results. 


With a filter similar to a passenger car, larger ride-on mowers have increased capacity to operate ten times longer than walk-behind mowers. Just remember, wash the sponge pre-cleaner whenever it gets clogged to extend the life of your paper filter. 


When it comes to maintenance, remember to replace a ripped or excessively dirty pre-cleaner and a paper filter that's too soiled to let light through when you hold it up to the sun.


As a professional landscaper, keeping your equipment in top shape is crucial. To avoid any potential issues, be sure to perform the 100-hour service items each season. So, when the time comes, be prepared to swap the oil and oil filter, replace any air filters, sharpen those blades, and double-check the deck's belt tightness. With proper maintenance, your lawn mower will be running like a dream. You can trust Mowmore for all your lawn mower care needs.


Lawnmower maintenanceMaintenance tipsParts ordering

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