If you cut it, They will come.  How to cut Strips like a MLB Groundskeeper - MowMore

Ah, the glorious sight of a freshly cut baseball field: the crisp scent of the grass, the sound of cleats tapping against the dirt, and those perfectly cut stripes. Have you ever wondered how those groundskeepers achieve such impeccable lines? It's more than just a matter of running a mower over the field haphazardly. 

The MLB professional groundskeepers use a process called lawn striping, using sharp blades on their mowers and attaching a lawn roller behind them to bend the grass down in a specific pattern. The light shining off the bent grass is what creates the stripes. It's like creating a checkerboard design by mowing first north to south, then east to west, alternating the direction of the blades. 

When turfgrass blades are lying towards you, they look dark, while those lying away from you look lighter in color. In addition to this mowing technique, groundskeepers use tools like solid rollers to bend the grass in broad designs and brooms to create intricate patterns. For finer details, they use blasts of water to lay the grass down. The type of grass and the cut's height can influence the pattern's precision. Bluegrass is the most popular used in baseball fields because it enhances the striping effect. However, ryegrass, fescue, and Bermuda also make excellent choices. 

Watering the grass after mowing can make a design stand out even more. Grasses mowed at a taller height show patterns better, as it highlights the contrast of light when laid in different directions. In the fall and spring, a grass height of 2 ¾" is best, while in the sweltering summer, 3 ½" will protect the lawn from the heat. The higher the grass (as tall as 4"), the more dramatic the striping will appear.

Create a professional-looking MLB-inspired lawn with ease by following these simple steps. First, create lawn stripes by mowing a line drive lengthwise down the middle of the property. Then, alternate mowing directions at the end to develop even strips. For a checkerboard design, mow side-by-side rows moving from north to south, west to east, and back north to south again. 

Did you know that striping a lawn can make it healthier? Repeatedly mowing in the same pattern and direction can create uneven spots and ruts, but striping allows the sun to nourish all areas of the grass. Try changing the pattern every two weeks to achieve the best striping effect. Just make sure to avoid mowing or striping when the grass is wet, as this can cause your blades to jam and result in a matted appearance instead of the desired look. And remember to keep your blades very sharp to ensure a pristine cut every time.

At first, perfecting those stripes might feel like practicing for the World Series, but with sharp blades and a bit of perseverance, you'll be humming "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" in no time. Not only will your clients be impressed, but this technique will help your landscaping business stand out!

Keep your equipment in top shape with mower parts and landscaping supplies from MowMore. 


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